Main Objectives
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Our main goal is to supply customers with the best quality products available at the lowest prices possible, and to work together with business partners for the mutual benefit of an even greater number of people. Thus in the years ahead, we look forward to making friends to share in SEEZ bright future.

Specifically, our main objectives are outlined as below :

1. Enhancement of exports and processed imports, along with energetic attendance in local and international markets.
2. Absorption of capital funds and erection of manufacturing entities in the areas of electronic and communications.
3. Import of latest technology.

4. Implementation of fundamental operations leading to economical growth and development of the region.
5. Creation of new employment and promotion of expert labor force.
6. Proper framing of goods, employment opportunities, and rendition of social services.

7. Attraction of foreign currency sources.
8. Prompt accessibility to capital, intermediate and consumptive goods.
9. Support of domestic industries particularly in the fields of electronics and communications.

10. Formation of an industrial basis to attract overseas investors and those native ones residing abroad.
11. Interruption of contrabanded and smuggled electronic goods and materials to the country.